12 - Lovely Moon Cattery http://www.lovelymoon.de/
"Lovely Moon" is a small cattery located in Germany. We breed Persians and Exotic in different color *with Top blood lines Bocasana, PaJean,Bolo,Rubyrose, Hankypankys*. Our Cattery is registered with CFA and CFG.Adults are PKD tested.
Please visit our website for more information and pictures.****please register you also into our TOPLISTE ***
- 234 Visiteur(s) envoyé(s) - 0 Visiteur(s) reçu(s) sur l'annuaire - Site inscrit le: 17/10/2004
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15 - Irlins cattery http://irlins.jimdo.com/
Cattery specializing on Persian and Exotic cats the Bicolor, Calico, Tabby colors, registered in CFA. Our kittens are raised with us in our home, well socialized. Website-information on breeds, articles and tips, photos and videos adult animals cats, kittens for sale
- 250 Visiteur(s) envoyé(s) - 0 Visiteur(s) reçu(s) sur l'annuaire - Site inscrit le: 07/11/2011
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